Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Through Abitibi Geophysics, you can access this non-destructive and rapid geophysical method that works by sending electromagnetic pulses into the ground and measuring responses. The data is then processed and viewed as 2D sections, or 3D models, which can provide information about soil and rock types, the presence of fractures or voids, and other features of interest. GPR is often used in geological, environmental, and geotechnical studies to detect buried objects or structures, locate pipes and cables, and study earth composition. It can also be used in boreholes to collect data about the surrounding geology.
GPR can be useful in numerous applications, such as:
Mineral exploration (e.g., depth to basement, major fault zones, geological contacts, overburden thickness, mineral deposits).
Engineering applications (e.g., tailing dams' infrastructure monitoring, foundation integrity studies, detecting excessively moist subgrade bodies, detecting abandoned underground mines/shafts).
Site characterization (e.g., locating buried object, ice thickness, voids detection).
Environmental assessments (e.g., groundwater investigations, contaminated water studies).
Most effective for mineral exploration when combined with TDEM and IP methods or other investigations techniques.
User-friendly one-man operated equipment.
Non-destructive and cost-effective method.