DasVision 2D & 3D IP surveys
Abitibi Geophysics’ distributed array system DasVision uses independent receivers to enhance the exploration effectiveness by avoiding the installation of kilometers of cable. Minimizing physical links between receivers not only makes surveying cost effective, but it also makes it easier in highly vegetated, urbanized, or rough topography areas. Its advanced processing renders detailed sampling and high-density datasets that can be used to create 3D inversion models, helping guide exploration and mining activities with greater accuracy and efficiency. The IRIS FullWaver system allows the user to record and store transmitter current and received voltage in full waveform measurements. Designed for exploration at depth, it can also successfully model smaller scale and near surface sources.
Case Study: Intrusion-Related Gold Deposits – Mapping known mineralization from a 3D chargeability model - Thunder Gold Corp – Tower Mountain Intrusive Complex (TMIC), Thunder Bay, Canada
Case Study: Detecting copper-rich mineralization at depth and under-cover - Rio Tinto Exploration Kazakhstan, Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan
Case study: Targeted drilling from 3D chargeability models – TomaGold Corp’s - Obalski Project, Quebec, Canada
GPS module
Integrated in the V-FullWaver and I-FullWaver providing a PPS signal (one pulse per second) and digital memory for up to 3 months continuous recording.
Real 3D measurements and Geometry free arrays
The FullWaver system allows to illuminate a target from every direction. The V-FullWaver receiver units can be connected on two perpendicular reception dipoles allowing to record amplitude and direction of the electric field. Available boreholes can also be utilized for added signal and detail at depth.
Designed for deep mineral exploration
With a possible depth of investigation of over 1000m with the use of large dipoles (100 m to 500 m). It is also effective with small, detailed surveys (25 m-50 m) for shallower, smaller targets.
Learn about our Borehole and Ground IP survey offerings or contact us for a custom quote.